Intel Announces 40th Anniversary Core i7-8086K, Giving Away 8,086 Processors

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How about you mention at the sweepstake part that apparently multibilion company cant afford to hire a company to conduct their sweepstake in more than few selected countries?

> This sweepstakes is only available for residents of USA, Canada (excluding Quebec), UK, France, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and China (excluding Hong Kong).

Also, the 8086k is just another 8700k but this time hand picked and binned by Intel to reach 5Ghz in stock and then there is all that BS of "limited edition 40th anniversary" so they can slap in 200% of regular price.
tried the link via chrome, ie and firefox. Seems intels website had a "meltdown". All that seems left of the link now is a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS "spectre".

To be fair, it does include 3D graphics and video acceleration, along with lots of other fixed-function hardware that wasn't included in computers back then at all, let alone as a part of the CPU. : P
By the way, from clicking the "See details" link on the sweepstakes page, I noticed the prize value being listed as...

(1) Intel Processor Core i7 Chip (ARV: $425USD)

So, I would assume that is the intended retail price for the 8086K, if anyone was interested. It's also possible that they might be counting something like shipping fees in there as well though, so it might potentially be more like $399.
I actually don't remember the time AMD give their fans something unique (Limited Edition) for free lol, I bet all these people that like to complain about intel will not be entering the giveaway right?

Delid any CPU and "voila" no more warranty. Silly rabbits.

I am an Intel user. The complaints are mostly about their seemingly random selection of eligible EU countries.
As their sweepstakes page points out, whether or not a country is eligible depends on local laws and regulations. This is not under Intel's control. If you're in an ineligible area, call your elected / appointed parasites to task for their buzzkilling meddling.

The FAQ on the entry page (with countdown to when the contest opens):

Why can I only enter if I am a resident of one of the following countries/regions: USA, Canada (excluding Quebec), UK, France, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan or China (excluding Hong Kong)?
Intel is always looking for ways to engage the global community, however promotional programs are not available in every country/region due to specific local laws and regulations.
(Underline is my emphasis.)

As to the special binning, renaming, and limited supply for a 200% (or more) price hike... that's capitalism. Now what would be cool is to bundle an 8086 (plus an 8088, the 8-bit bus version) and an 8087 (the non-integrated into the die FPU) in with it, in some form of commemorative display package.

Last I checked, even the UK is still adhering to the Maastricht Treaty. So, that is obviously hogwash. It's probably just because it's a little less work for Intel but it has nothing to do with regulations as a company that sells to one country within the EU is free to sell that product to any country within the EU, with a few exceptions like tobacco, cars and drugs.

My grandfather won two different Mustangs in his life. A 65 and a 69 Mach 1.

Selling is not the same as a give away. That's what makes it different.
I thought it was silly how you directly compared the 1976 8086 CPU to the 8700K in the chart. Comparison charts like those are typically reserved for illustrating the differences between competing products

"In this corner, weighing in at 220 lbs, is the Core i7 8700K.
And in this corner, weighing in at 97 lbs (including his walker), the Intel 8086"

Even if it wasn't meant to be funny, I still enjoyed it.
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