I cannot speak for you or others, but if it is me I would say NO to stick with intel if you cared about stability and not say, absolute top speed where the crown goes from one to aother gen by gen.I cannot speak for anyone else, but since I never run default settings on any CPU, wouldn't you say that I should stick with Intel if I cared about stability?
For stability, it should be the vendor who definitely have the say especially they dominated the market that the board partner are mandated to enforce the default auto setting specced by them to be the "default", not any boost or crazy tweak by the board partner team. that is by definitely, by default and should be guaranteed stable out of the box. The K SKUs are meant to be for the tweakers, who are supposed to tweak progressively on top of the knowledge of the original safe values of settings upward at their own risk.
I personally know a lot of ppl who buy the K SKUs and use them at stock at first is because
1) it is the fastest upon release
2) when it gets slow a few generations later, you can OC it and get another a year or two of useful life out of it before upgrading the whole system
This way it will stay stable for say, 3-5 years in default, and get another 1 year of useful overclocked life.
But this time round Intel showed a bit F you for those early 13900k/ks users who trusted them the default should be the default an safe, just to discover issues pop up left and right, being kicked around for months and finally here comes all these "above and beyond RMA".
If only one MB vendor, say Asus, defaulted their bios to pump too much and boost too much to make them look like a better board, it's Asus's fault, if everyone else get the same issue, it's Intel's issue who don't stop them from doing so, if even Intel don't know that the default is problematic, it is even worse. I don't know how they handle those "burnt" CPUs after the recent coverages, but back in early 13900k era, I had a colleague who bought one, getting really unstable for stock setting, send back to RMA, identified to be "overclocked to death, no warranty" and he then just get mad and literally hammered his Z790 and get a set of 7950X instead and never looked back, the 13900k got him unstable computer for 3 months, the 7950X works perfectly fine for a year and rolling, it may be slower than 13900k in certain usecase, but definitely way more stable than RPL