sarinaide :
1) GT3/GT3e is going to be very expensive relative to a APU to achieve about the same theoretical performance as the top end HD7660D
2) 1300mhz core clocks on the iGPU to achieve performance, thats a near 50% clock bump.
3) Richland Desktop is around 20-40% faster than Trinity on the iGPU side on a mere 44mhz bump and mobile Richland has touted 50-60% graphics improvement. Trinity is over a year old but AMD timed Richland to nullify Haswells effect. On price to performance Richland will be much faster in gaming on integrated solutions.
4) Kaveri based on Steamroller core architecture along with unified memory space and on die GDDR5 will take AMD's APU's to a completely new level. This factoring in AMD's drive to HSA will also yield HPC gains. Early rumors on Kaveri's graphics performance is probably on or better than a HD7770 which will open the game significantly. With broadwell a no go it will be mid 2015 before intel can address it, and by then excavator is out.
Sorry but these look like good wishes to me and not the ultimate facts. I mean your thoughts are true for now but everyone who has some knowledge about CPU/GPU market is aware of the fact that Intel is a wild beast. They came to a point where their CPUs are superior in any way compared to AMD's and they caught a good GPU power in a very short time. With this speed, Intel will catch up and surpass AMD's iGPU advantage in a short time. Only a matter of time. Intel has many resources that AMD does not. Process advantage, own fabs, huge R&D resources, huge budget and brand superiority. AMD tries to close the huge gap by efforts in software side and by selling their inferior products for much cheaper. Unified memory, HSA and on die GDDR5 is all cool but: 1-) They are having to sell this products with little profit 2-) Intel will for sure answer these in a short time. They have the budget and the superior process advantage and they can almost put a refrigerator in their CPU if they wanted
)) I wish AMD could surprise us though