[citation][nom]michaelahess[/nom]"I agree not all software should be free, there is a big difference between simple apps that tell you the weather or do RSS feeds, compared to Photoshop or Office."Guess you haven't heard of OpenOffice then? Or Paint.NET?There are very complex free software packages if you know where to look. The only app I can't have on my linux box's native is Visio, nothing comes close to what it does, the way it does it. Course MS didn't come up with it, they just bought it, I still have a floppy with the first version of it somewhere...[/citation]
That is the point I was making, software can be free, but some should be pay for, the big ones usually are with the OIpen Source exceptions but if you cant find a free version of a simple app then you just aren't looking hard enough.