After reading a lot of reviews, some showcasing with XeSS2 enabled, I am a little torn on what may be missing from the playability side of the review. A lot of the sub 40 FPS in this review for example give the impression that the card cannot do some AAA games well. Reviews looking at pure rasterization focus on comparing competing products, but it would be nice if we were left with an impression if the card can do AAA games with high to ultra settings comfortably when the software is enabled. Some video reviews show the B570 cruising through these games with 60=100 FPS. Maybe a paragraph speaking to the playability of the card with XeSS2 enabled so we can understand if 1) the game becomes more than playable and 2) if XeSS2 is mature enough to use it. There is no need to comment on the competing product softwares since the rasterization tells us which cards are more powerful. Looking at the software complement of a specific card however informs further if enabling it improves the experience.