Performance-wise they (13th and 14th gen) are very close. I used the phrase "almost identical" mostly thinking about which one a builder today would choose. Usualy the choice is made by the price in the store and never actual performance.
As an example, i didn't need a K version of the 13600 when i was shopping but non-K 13600 were rarer than hen's teeth. 14600Ks had an even higher price.
Likewise, i've seen 14700K sell for $15 more than 13700K. Not much of a difference in price.
If i'm considering someone's build advice request, the 13th and 14th gen intels are interchangeable. They are not identical of course.
Difference in silicon is beyond my knowledge.
If they are the same silicon or something, then it would be extra pointless for Intel to continue production if:
- the production process is identical and they make two identical chips but sell them at two different, closely matches prices
- they use two slightly different production processes with miniscule cost or complexity differences between them, and end up with two products one of which is less profitable
Or i'm overcomlicating this and Intel sensed they sold enough 13s and want to push 14s before the next generation makes a splash.
Even if the profitssss are only slightly better, from a marketing perspective it's better they side with 14th gen.
This way they can tout it as the latest, greatest and fastest, instead of only a mild improvement over the generation that preceeded it. Both are true.