I've been pretty disappointed with the battery life of the Alder Lake i5 and i7, even when cranking the Windows 10 slider to "max efficiency". These are laptops I use at work (both Dell Precision models) and my employer has yet to roll out Windows 11, so hopefully that'll improve the situation with its ThreadDirector support.
I've also gone on to play around with using TechPowerUp's ThrottleStop utility to manually configure lower power limits, but I've found you can't set them very low without markedly affecting performance. So, that's not a great solution. It did help avoid the i7 getting uncomfortably hot.
The main point is that this i7 laptop is markedly hotter than my old Skylake quad-core HX laptop. Let's hope Intel can reverse the trend and offer competitive performance without these tradeoffs.
On a side note: it was a bad call for MS to restrict ThreadDirector support to Win 11, as we're nearly 2 years out from Alder Lake's launch and I'll bet a lot of us corporate users are still on Windows 10.