Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 bottlenecking Radeon HD 5750 1GB ???


Mar 1, 2016

My PC specs:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 2.8GHz
RAM: 2x 2GB DDR2 (3.25GB usable due to shitty limited motherboard)
GPU: ATi Radeon HD 5750 1GB
PSU: I think it's 250-350W
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit SP1

Ok, I tried playing PAYDAY 2 on this machine, but FPS is... quite low. It goes around 30-50 FPS. I know that I should not expect any better from this 2008 computer, but I at least expected 60+ FPS everything on Low + 1280x960 resolution.

Plus, I have some heavy FPS drops at the times during gameplay. My FPS also sometimes slowly goes down as I approach some certain areas on the map... Idk why.. Probably overload of GPU or CPU..

However, what the heck is bottlenecking my machine here? Shitty motherboard? CPU? Or even GPU ?

Please help. Thanks!

The whole platform is general is old. Everything is bottlenecking. I wouldn't even recommend a Q6600 either. Time to upgrade.
I agree with krzyimprt. It's not really a bottleneck, because it's all slow. CPU, GPU and RAM are all going to prevent your games from running smoothly, so replacing any one part wouldn't help very much.

When your CPU or RAM are what's limiting you, lowering your graphical settings will not help.
As others said, the hardware grouped as a whole is old. Is the e8400 bottlenecking that gpu specifically? It shouldn't, my e8400 didn't start bottlenecking until I moved to an hd7850 which is significantly faster/stronger than the 5750.

Try running msi afterburner while playing and see which component is at 100% usage most of the time, cpu or gpu. That will give you an indication of what's being maxed out and where to consider making improvements. Some have said the game isn't very well optimized. Some have said they got slightly better performance after disabling gpu flush in the settings. I can't say as I don't have the game and have never played it. Bottlenecks can depend on the game itself, if it's extremely cpu or gpu dependent then that component will more likely be the bottleneck. It's not a case of a general combo in your case being inherently 'bad', not like pairing the e8400 with a gtx 1080 at 720p.
Ewhhh... God dammit.

I actually have already "upgraded" my PC... No, not this one that I am talking about, but the new PC I bought nearly a year ago. i5-4460, 8GB of DDR3 1600MHz ; MSI GTX 750 Ti 2GB OC ; ASUS H81M-R aaand... TOSHIBA 1TB HDD

So instead using that computer, I'm kinda "forced" to use this one since my current PC is dead... I guess the PSU is gone. Idk why...

However, I have FPS drops on that machine, too! Reason? I really do not know. Not even PAYDAY 2 itself, yet GTA 5, Watch Dogs and every other game that I liked and tried to run on that gaming "machine".

But, there's one thing that have shocked me so much.. And that's having FPS drops even in GTA San Andreas !!! I mean.. What the f*ck ? The game is older more than 10 years and I still have FPS drops at times while playing it with Intel Core i5 4th generation processor, and 2GB GPU ?

Okay,okay... It's probably a topic for another thread on this forum, but nevermind...

As for my current problem with this older configuration, I at least expected any "playable" framerate.. Without constant dropping...

E8400 rig should be thrown in the trash. As for the i5 rig, get a new PSU, the stuttering can always be fixed.

Yeah, PSU has been changed, new one has been placed, my PC is arriving home tomorrow fully recovered.

As for stuttering on the i5 computer, I've been trying various kinds of methods fixing it, but none of them helped at all. What could I do about that ?

I have same problem in San Andreas too ,anyone know how to fix it ?