Intel Core i7 4790K and GTX 1080


Apr 11, 2015
So has anyone had any experience with this duo? I've bought these parts and am waiting for them to arrive but all I can do now is wait. I know this could handle most games at 1080p but I was interested in hearing someones first hand experience with it. I'll be playing in 1080p for now but to plan on having a monitor upgrade soon. I'd be interested in knowing what sort of FPS you get at what graphics settings.
Here's a couple of reviews that tested the GTX 1080 @1080P. They used a i7-5930K but for gaming the difference is incredibly minimal between that and your 4790K.


Yeah next month hopefully

Those benchmarks look very promising, especially because I'll be in 1080p
I've got a 4790k and a 980Ti playing everything I own at max settings at 1080p/60. Only one game has given me problems, and that's GTA V, because the advanced settings are quite elaborate and I don't know if any machine yet can play GTA V with absolutely every setting turned all the way up.

Anyway, if there's only one game on the market that can make my rig dip below 60fps, your more powerful card will fare even better.