As far as i know the difference between them is 0.5GHz (4.0GHz - 3.5GHz)
As far as the money goes, yes i can afford 4790k but is it worth it. I would like to overclock it too but i firstly dont know how to do that, and secondly i just have Corshair Hydro Series H60 and also only 2 fans pulling and blowing the air (not counting the CPU cooler fans and GPU).
I will get more fans later. So do i really need 4790k?
Answer appreciated very much.
here is my planed build(scroll down a bit to see the parts)
As far as the money goes, yes i can afford 4790k but is it worth it. I would like to overclock it too but i firstly dont know how to do that, and secondly i just have Corshair Hydro Series H60 and also only 2 fans pulling and blowing the air (not counting the CPU cooler fans and GPU).
I will get more fans later. So do i really need 4790k?
Answer appreciated very much.
here is my planed build(scroll down a bit to see the parts)