Intel Core i7-870 or Intel Core i3 4170 Dual Core?


Aug 25, 2015
Which one will be better for games like GTA V, War Thunder, Gmod ect?

Would it be worth getting the duel core i3, or getting the older quad core i7, and using the extra money for faster ram, SSD ect?

As brute force goes the i7 is til the stronger choice, but as mentioned the newer tech is always the better bet and as life expectancy goes the i7 might not be the safest bet either, I`d rather say save up a bit more money and get a entry lvl i5 instead, then you don`t have to thing of comparisons anyway.
The 870 is three generations old when compared to the 4170, and whilst it has twice as many cores and threads, the newer Haswell architecture and faster clock speed of the 4170 will make it come out on top. Not to mention that Haswell will still have some upgradability, whereas Nehalem (870) does not.

As brute force goes the i7 is til the stronger choice, but as mentioned the newer tech is always the better bet and as life expectancy goes the i7 might not be the safest bet either, I`d rather say save up a bit more money and get a entry lvl i5 instead, then you don`t have to thing of comparisons anyway.