I'm curious as to how these will compete to the 2.2GHz 12 core Opterons. Real applications of course, because I doubt many games would care more for a 12 core 2.2GHz processor than any dual core available.
This is making my $300 i7-902 seem like a P4 among C2D's though. ='(
I'm curious as to when we can see the next generation of boards (x68 or whatever they want to name it). I'm hoping for PCIe 3.0, USB 3.0, SATA 3.0, and the improvements that come with every new lineup (such as being able to run the same clocks on even 0.01V less than the last board).
Though the Foxconn Bloodrage has had the beta bios for the Gulftowns out publically for a few months now.
I also want to know more about this new stock HSF. I actually like the stock HSF for my i7. First off, I think they look better than tower types with heatpipes, and they are actually quite effective (hence regretting buying a $70 HSF that wouldn't do any better while weighing twice as much).
And one last thing, I thought I told you on your last video review to work on your presentation skills Mr. Angelini. You may be able to write an absolutely sick article, but honestly, watching you present in person is an unpleasant experience. =D
You gho back to your $1000 sexacore CPU and $1000 30" monitor, I'll keep my $300 CPU and triple $200 2048x1152 monitors thank you. (Okay, I lie, I want a 30")