Sure, I correct myself because that's what you
should do, if you actually care about informing yourself and others. On the contrary, when you answer challenges only with insults, it shows that your real priority is your ego or some underlying agenda. And what I got wrong were mostly just details.
Fortunately, I'd like to believe that this is one of those places on the Internet where facts speak louder than bravado. So, I suggest you either put up (i.e. post some real information in response to my questions) or shut up. If you're such an expert on Intel's Management Engine, then you should be able to share something about it that enlightens us without violating your NDA. Also, though you implied some sort of insider status, it would be good form to disclose any vested interest you have in the matter (e.g. being employed by Intel or a shareholder). However, I don't even care too much about that, as long as your info is worthwhile and well-supported.
FWIW, I detect a decidedly anti-AMD theme to nearly all of your posts: