No, that's not how competition works!No, not every Company does it. I won't deny they'd love to be in a position where they could. Well, their shareholders would. It sure helps the stock and Company valuation being so big and powerful you can bully your competitors out of the market.
So no. I'd love to join the bandwagon of "all Companies do it; it's normal!", but no. On one hand, as consumer, this behaviour hurts us by having less choice and options and on the other it's just watching big bullies be bullies and almost celebrate their behaviour.
Do you like sayings like these?
"The big and strong have the right to mistreat the small and weak".
"Law of the jungle: the strong eat the weak".
Just like you use Apple as a bad example, whatever Intel is doing, in the long run, does not help consumers and only their own share value. And the "why does no one think of the poor engineers!" line doesn't apply. If there was more competition in the space, there would be way more positions to fill. Margins would probably be lower, but that's how competition works.
What you talk about that you want is a Cartel, that intel restricts the amount of CPUs it produces(control supply) and adjusts their prices closer to those of AMD (regulate prices) .
A cartel is an organization created from a formal agreement between a group of producers of a good or service to control supply or to regulate or manipulate prices.