[SOLVED] Intel Extreme Tuning Utilty


Dec 27, 2018
So i am just trying the basic tuning and it has processor core ratio and processor cache ratio

I am trying to get my i7 6850k between 4.2-4.4ghz

What should I set my core ratio and cache ratio to?

Also if I go into bio and load optimized defaults will that make my OC go back to normal?
Overclocking is accomplished by having the right set of tools. One of which is to never use software to do any form of overclocking unless your BIOS is really limited in functionality(in which case you shouldn't be overclocking at all).

Mind sharing your specs with us, like so:

Also you should overclock using the BIOS, not software.

Okay, If you can help me out with this I would really appreciate it!!

CPU: i7 6850k
Motherboard: Asus x99-aii
Ram:16gb ram
SSD/HDD:256 ssd. 1tb hdd
GPU: gtx 1080 ti
PSU: Corsair 750w
OS: Windows 10
I’m going to uninstall xtu and go from there.. just confused because I’ve never done any oc before.. really don’t want to screw the cpu up just want to hit between 4.2-4.4ghz if I can
just follow that guide, when you bump your clock ratio up 1, reboot and run Prime 95 v26.6 for 15-20 minutes and watch your temps (i use HWiNFO - download and install, when you open, select "run sensors" only
you want to look for the lowest Vcore you can run without P95 BSODing you. If it BSODs at say 1.195 bump Vcore up to 1,200, if it still BSODs bump to 1.205 ie in .005 increments
if it doesn't BSOD, then drop the Vcore by the same amount each time until P95 crashes you, then bump it back up .005 or .010

Reason you want the lowest Vcore you can run, is higher Vcore means higher temps
Those Vcore values i used are hypothetical - i don't know your board's values, but you never want Vcore over 1.4, and want it as far south of that as possible
keep doing that until you hit max OC

be sure to disable any presets, like XMP, Turbo Boost, Enhanced Boost etc

What should my core voltage be?
check your mail - your Vcore was the 1.117V
BUT IT looks like you've got turbo boost selected - if you do, again select default settings on the first page of your BIOS
then check that number again

if 1.117 is the number, then make adjustments in .0005 increments if your bios will accept, ie 1.1175
if i won't, then bump to 1.118

BUT GO THRU THAT MSI GUIDE - it's pretty straightforward and easy to follow, they walk you thru every page of the BIOS pictorially