Intel gaming cpu? 3570K, 3770K, 4690k, 4770k?

I only recommend HASWELL (4th gen) for new builds. Which CPU completely depends on the gaming budget. It's very roughly like THIS:

$800 to $1600: i5-4690K

$1600+: i7-4790K

There's several factors involved including budget, length of time to keep PC, whether VIDEO CONVERTING is a factor, etc.

I was going to mention an i5-4460 or similar but after looking at the current pricing it's hard to recommend (unless a sale). For example, the i5-4460 only has a max Turbo of 3.4GHz whereas the i5-4690K defaults to 3.9GHz and can overclock further if needed.

Price wise it's $220 vs $183 so a $37 difference there for a system that can easily overclock to 40% faster if need be though. On a $1000 computer build that's just under a 4% cost...
I only recommend HASWELL (4th gen) for new builds. Which CPU completely depends on the gaming budget. It's very roughly like THIS:

$800 to $1600: i5-4690K

$1600+: i7-4790K

There's several factors involved including budget, length of time to keep PC, whether VIDEO CONVERTING is a factor, etc.

I was going to mention an i5-4460 or similar but after looking at the current pricing it's hard to recommend (unless a sale). For example, the i5-4460 only has a max Turbo of 3.4GHz whereas the i5-4690K defaults to 3.9GHz and can overclock further if needed.

Price wise it's $220 vs $183 so a $37 difference there for a system that can easily overclock to 40% faster if need be though. On a $1000 computer build that's just under a 4% cost difference though to be fair you'd need a better motherboard and CPU cooler.

I tell most builders to use the i5-4690K and just click "XMP" in the BIOS which keeps the Intel Power Management in place. I'm guessing that goes to about 4.2GHz though it may vary by the motherboard (the i7-4970K can default to 4.4GHz I know).

I recommend waiting for a GTX870 or GTX880.


Nov 14, 2013
I completely forgot about the GTX 8XX series coming soon. I haven't even looked at the haswell refresh. I will definitely check out the 4790k. Its going to end up being my new gaming/workstation.

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