[citation][nom]mikenygmail[/nom]Wrong again, an A8 APU equipped gaming computer is far more powerful than any Intel CPU + GPU combination. The A8 is also far more efficient.[/citation]
You lie like the MPAA/RIAA about SOPA.
A8 does have a nice integrated GPU, but it is no were near as powerful as the Intel chip in the CPU department. Also, the A8 is only ~2x faster than Intels IGP in Sandybridge. Haswell is going to have a much beefier GPU, so we'll see how the A8 stands up to it.
On the power side of things, the A8 is running ~160watt full CPU+GPU load. Haswell will be only 90watts and we'll see how the performance is once it comes out. Intel and AMD rate TDP a bit differently. Intel is based on peak and AMD is based on average, and Intel still claims a lower TDP.
I am not talking down about AMD, I love them, but I am being realistic about it.