intel i5 strange behavior, runs with 2 cores or 4 under clocked at 22


Sep 8, 2013
cpu puzzle for ya, got an i5 quad core here keeps crashing (blue screening etc) it runs fine with 2 cores disabled on board one and 1 core disabled on board 2, no signs of overheating (temp is usually 25C), runs fine with all 4 if i set the clock down from 32 to 22 speed stepping and turbo both turned off has no effect.. any ideas?

i used to think two of the cores were damaged now it looks more like a stability type issue, its as though there sharing a pooled resource

comes from a Zoostorm 7877-0095
Intel Core i5-2320 3.0Ghz processor



Sep 8, 2013

Thanks for your response :)

its just the stock psu, i believe i already tried this, but ill check again with a better psu, also i figure ill try if i can go with faster with three cores... if i can it would confirm that some shared resource is the cause based on frequency, i would expect it to be stable at 2.8/2.9ghz.. could the fsb to blame... i only changed down the clock speed though so this would be operating at its stock frequency i assume...

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