Intel i53570k - How does it perform by today's standards?

Joe Izatt

May 29, 2013
I recently opted in buying a new motherboard to overclock my 3rd Gen 3570k Processor with a z75 chipset.

However how much more mileage can I expect out of this 3 year old CPU? It's a beast and I'm running all the latest titles on decent settings coupled with a GTX 970..!

Opinions on future upgrades? I have a couple SSD's and DDR3 Vengeance RAM. Should my next move be in getting a new motherboard + CPU?

If I upgraded to the new Skylake stuff, I would have to also buy DDR4 Ram which kind of makes it not seem worth it for now if I'm getting alright performance as current. Until the day they release a game I really wanna play, otherwise it seems like I'm throwing money at something for the sake of throwing money at it.