Intel i7 930 or Amd 1090t x6 ?


Jul 8, 2010
Which one would you choose ? I'm building a pc and im not a overclocker so I just need some benchmarks and some opinions .I might overclock in the future but please give me opinions and benchmarks . thank you !
I should add a reference for an advantage of the 1090T over the i7 930:,2633-17.html

"it’s relevant to note that AMD requires six cores to deliver the performance level Intel enables with only four, but allow me to quote an Intel PR person who defended Intel’s dual-die, quad-core architecture against AMD’s monolithic quad-core die design a few years ago: “Only the results count.”

From this standpoint, AMD is very focused and delivers excellent value. "

So the 1090T will do a good job for less money. Not saying that its better than an i7 930, only that its a good value.

It depends on what you need, the Phenom II X6 1090T BE is better for programs which can use more than four cores. The Core i7 930 is better for anything that uses four cores or less, or programs which can use more than four threads/take advantage of Hyper-Threading, like Sony Vegas 9 for example.

Well I game I play MW2,Bad Company 2 , I edit video with sony vegas 9.0 pro , I multitask a lot. So which one do i get ?
One thing that's left out here is price. I run a few i7 machine as well as one with a 1090T. Building a computer with a 1090T will be a couple hundred dollars cheaper. As a side benefit, the 1090T will also run substantially cooler if heat is a problem.

Either choice would work well and if money is of no concern, then yes, get an i7 930.
I should add a reference for an advantage of the 1090T over the i7 930:,2633-17.html

"it’s relevant to note that AMD requires six cores to deliver the performance level Intel enables with only four, but allow me to quote an Intel PR person who defended Intel’s dual-die, quad-core architecture against AMD’s monolithic quad-core die design a few years ago: “Only the results count.”

From this standpoint, AMD is very focused and delivers excellent value. "

So the 1090T will do a good job for less money. Not saying that its better than an i7 930, only that its a good value.


I agree ! I'm getting the 1090T because it's only like $10 more for 6 cores ! I'm a intel fan but the intel i7 930 is just so expensive and it only has 4 cores compared to the AMD. The AMD mobos are much cheaper also so that means I could get a better video card , the 5850.
Expect a price decrease for the 930 in coming months after the launch of Sandy Bridge. I've heard that the 940/950 will come down to about $300. That will make it absolute value-for-money, & the 1090 v/s i7 debate will really be a no brainer.

I'm also keeping this PC as future proof as it can , the AMD 1090T can work with a AMD2 MOBO ! You just need to do a update bios. So when AMD Fusion comes out I dont have to buy a brand new mobo. AS I may know i am not that rich to keep buying a new mobo

Sandy bridge isn't launching for ~6 months. I wouldn't bother waiting that long to build a new computer.
Fair enough, the 1090T isn't a bad choice. Mind you, the build of an i7 has gone down quite dramatically in price compared to when it was released - a decent X58 motherboard will cost you the same as an 890FX board, and triple channel memory isn't really a rip-off when you've got more room for expansion later in terms of RAM.

Well triple Channel is expensive and if i do get triple channel, I would get 3gb because of how expensive it is. I have a i7 build list but my AMD Build list cost the same but I have a much better video card in it. My i7 build would have a 5770 but my amd has a 5870

Then I would go with the AMD and get 4 gig of ram, and 4 gig of ram is about the same price as 3 gig of ram. Since the video card has far more to do with gaming and such than the CPU, I almost always recommend a better video card.

THank you , I'm selecting you as best answer

Triple channel really isn't that much more - around $50, and remember you do get another 2 GB. Other factors could be the reason why it the i7 build is more expensive - the main parts that really differ are the motherboard, CPU and RAM.
The CPU is around the same, both at $300 each or so.
Depending on which motherboard you buy, the X58 is cheaper or more expensive, mainly more expensive but if you decide to for for a higher end 890FX board it will cost just as much, if not more as a decent mid-ranged X58 board.
RAM-wise, with the i7 it is $50 more, but it helps future proof it in a sense. If you're that concerned with triple channel pricing though, an i7 860 will perform just as well as the i7 930 in most applications, and the i7 800 uses dual channel memory instead, and any decent P55 motherboard would suffice.

However if you have your heart set on the 1090T, it's a pretty good processor in its own right.

I was never a AMD before , but im deciding to try out to keep it future proof because one the new intel comes out it will not work with the old mobos