Intel i7's iGPU HD630 1080p60fps?

Mar 5, 2018
Hello, simple question.
I am getting my new i7-8700(non K) in 3-4 days, I am concerned if I can play some low GPU intensive games on integrated GPU (HD630 in this case).
I will play games like Terraria, Don't Starve and nothing more powerful than Rocket League.
I am going to buy gtx1070 or new GPU gen. equivalent to it when it becomes cheaper...

Thank you all in advance.
Using RocketLeague as the benchmark, 60FPS is likely to be out of the question @ 1080p. It's certainly playable on the HD630 iGPU, but I'd expect to be more in the 30-40FPS range.

The minimum requirements for Don't Starve is an HD5450, loosely akin to the HD3000 iGPU on SandyBridge era chips.
Terraria is even only, with a 128MB gpu being the only real "requirement".

I'd expect Terraria to have no issues for 60FPS/1080p. Don't Starve should be doable, with some tweaked settings.
Using RocketLeague as the benchmark, 60FPS is likely to be out of the question @ 1080p. It's certainly playable on the HD630 iGPU, but I'd expect to be more in the 30-40FPS range.

The minimum requirements for Don't Starve is an HD5450, loosely akin to the HD3000 iGPU on SandyBridge era chips.
Terraria is even only, with a 128MB gpu being the only real "requirement".

I'd expect Terraria to have no issues for 60FPS/1080p. Don't Starve should be doable, with some tweaked settings.