News Intel launches Green PC grading standard in China — partner OEMs prepare Bronze, Silver, and Gold-rated systems


Jan 27, 2020
LOL!!! Tech companies will find all sorts of excuses to market their shortcomings as a feature. Cannot sell powerful motherboards, servers, CPUs and GPUs? No problem! Underclock, handicapped, nurfed and reduced quality components then market them as the shiny “new”, “cutting edge”, “environment saving”, GREEN standards!
While we’re at it, let’s further cut our lowest tier entry products into Olympic schemes and jack up the price more than the US performance tiers cause it’s the futuristic Gold rated GREEN PC!!


Nov 2, 2023
Energy Star is about electricity usage and Green PC is about cutting down e-waste. We can, and should, have both. I don't get why are people against this.
All else held equal you are absolutely right. But these companies survive through engineered obsolescence. Without longer computer lifespans and easy part-by-part upgrades (as opposed to having to buy multiple parts just to upgrade one part) this sort of thing comes off as greenwashing.

Of the criteria, only "Use and Maintenance", and possibly "Design Definition" or the unnamed fifth "bonus" criteria, seem like they hit these marks. Making recyclability easier is great for end of life, but extending the time to end of life is better.
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