Intel Pentium G860 vs. AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE?


Dec 28, 2012
I'm looking to build a budget gaming PC, and I have put together two different builds that consisted of the Intel Pentium G860 @ 3.0GHz, or the AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE Quad core @ 3.4GHz.

I will playing games like Planetside 2 that are very CPU intensive, and what i'm wondering is a dual core @ 3.0GHz enough for me to get stable FPS with a 7770? I'm hooked on the Intel Pentium because it's cheap, and a lot of people recommend it for budget builds. But, if the Intel Pentium isn't enough, I guess i'll be able to fork out the extra $30 for the Phenom.


Well my problem with that is that it is still only a dual core, and it is only a .1 GHz upgrade from the G860.

Ok, and what motherboard would you suggest for the 965? In my build, I currently have an ASRock 970 Extreme3 ATX AM3+ for $85. I was wondering if there is anything cheaper that is just as good?

Well that's a little out of my price range right now. I'm looking to build a PC for like $400-475.

And, on NCIX, it was $195.
My 965BE performs very terribly in Planetside 2 . . . to the point that large battles just aren't fun. It's running at 3.8Ghz with a 7850.

Notice on the G850 beats the 965BE in games with lots of units or MMO style games (Wow, Dawn of War) and holds it's own against the 965BE in the other single player games tested? The people recommending the 965BE are flat out wrong if your purpose is PS2. Get the fastest per core Intel Sandy/Ivy/Haswell processor you can afford.

Keep in mind Intel just announced the haswell lower end i3 and i5's... you might want to see how they perform and how much they are before you buy in to something.
Just as an added note.... take a look at the CPU chart on this guys benchmarks...

See where the Phenom II's sit . . . that performance mirrors what I've experienced in PS2, my i3-530 in my home theater machine performs about the same as my 965BE@3.8.

Bottom line is that when it comes to PS2, AMD fails miserably.

PS2 recently released a patch that brings the FX series performance up.

Instead of a 965 BE, I would go with the FX 6300 for a few $ more.

Up as far as Intel chips, or up from their rock bottom abysmal showing? Do you have a benchmark link, or is the performance detailed in their patch notes?


I don't play PS2, though my brother is hooked on it...his 6300 running @ 4.2 GHz had an increase in frame rates by about 8-10 FPS after the last patch according to him. Not sure where that puts him in relation to the intel stuff, but he is happier with the performance now...

Probably some patch notes detailing a change, though I wouldn't know what they tweaked.
I didn't find anything in any of the recent client updates that mentioned performance on AMD chips. I didn't notice any changes on mine, but mostly my son plays on the 965BE, and it's not an FX series so that may not be changed anyway.

In either case to the OP, avoid AMD like the plague if your concerned about PS2 performance.

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