Intel Retires Select Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge CPUs

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Of all the processors I have encountered in my travels, his was the most.... computational.
Hah.... Star Trek references.

Well I am a bit saddened as my 2500K was a good CPU as was the Sandy Bridge arch but I just upgraded to a 4670K and am pretty happy with it.

Best of all, my work paid for it. Love my new job.

You can actually notice an improvement? Or not really.... but looked up some benchmarks and seen it was faster?

i really doubt that a 4670k will be an improvement over my 2600k even a 4770k woudnt be much of an improvement, to be honest getting any of those cpus is a waste of money, i will wait till the next gen of intel cpus and hope they really improve on computational power
core i5 3350p is going, eh. r.i.p. the cpu that i almost bought.
i guess toms has to find a new budget core i5 at that price point. may be core i5 4430 or 4440 depending on price and availability. i don't see any igpu-less haswell cpu on intel's website.
well 1080p is pretty easy to get now even ultra settings on games has become pretty reasonable. If i can get 50FPS on battle field 4 ultra settings with a 1090t and a 270x then I am glad i didnt upgrade I almost took the plunge. But really am waiting for haswell E to come out the x99 goodness is fresh on my mind.

If you have a microcenter near you you missed out on a heck of a sale, they were selling FX 8320's for $99.99 the week of and the week after thanksgiving, and they came with a Gigabyte am3+ motherboard that was $10, and the motherboard came with a $10 dollar mail in rebate.

i got my new 8320 for 129.99... which i think is a good enough deal really.

Gonna be a fun xmas playing with it when i get home from this missionary work.

Well, the 1090t was a "real " six core CPU.
At least you realize you have to upgrade to something good(or be disappointed).

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