[citation][nom]amk-aka-Phantom[/nom]Price is mentioned in the article, it's $167, IIRC.[/citation]
Actually, that's the price for the E3110 Xeon, not the Pentium 350.
Odd thing, though: the
Ark page on the Pentium 350 reveals it to be a 2-core, 4-thread CPU running at
1.2GHz, not 2.2GHz... Very odd... I wonder where's the error: the article, the Ark page, or me (I might have picked up the wrong CPU, though I don't really think so...).
If it's really a 1.2GHz part, then I don't really see the point... Except for high-end x86 routers, low-power NASes (still, potentially worse than Atom, and the 620T might be more powerful), or very light-load servers, it seems more of a gimmick than anything else...
Still, great to know there is decent (when compared to Atom and such) x86 power to be had in that TDP range. Though knowing Intel, being of the Xeon, it probably means it costs as much as a 620T, because of the two extra threads, which is not really very good... But let's see more about that one.