Intel Sues Nvidia; Nvidia Says Intel is Afraid

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yeah might as well get a ps3... This news is not surprising and to be honest I think Nvidia is correct, Intel is scared (remember the internal memo about a year or so ago?).
What... Ok guys, level with me here, We want faster devices, that pump better performance, with lower energy costs right? Intel right now, from what i see, is trying to stop nVidia from making something thats better, faster, smoother, thats for US...

I want faster, if nVidia makes it, then i'm buying nvidia.. Dont silence nvidia and force us to use your subpar shitty product. Man this upsets me.. a company releases better but the giant says no, you HAVE TO USE OUR slower products if you want anything like this.

This is upsetting. My final words.. Go nVidia.
hey, why bother with these agreements, if intel or amd makes a cpu, how bout let amd, intel & nvidia make their own chipsets for either cpu,, i'm sure the intel made chipset would generally be better for the intel cpu & the amd chipset would be better for the amd cpu,,,if i had an alpine deck in my car,,i can use any speakers i want,,, the better speakers will be chosen,,same goes for the chipsets
Fanboys will argue that we still have ATI but I don't buy ATI products. Hopefully this gets resolved in nvidia's favor, we don't want intel to monopolize on the graphics card industry, they haven't made a decent performing video chip since somewhere in the early to mid 1990's. I know we're talking about mainboard chipsets here, but nvidia won't allow intel to use their SLI technology which is kinda dumb but at least nvidia has their own chipset for the socket 775. I have a 790i and it works great. I would've bought an intel chipset if I would've found a manufacturer with a decent warranty term. But it is very disappointing to see intel trying to force nvidia out of the chipset business. However I would not have minded them shutting down VIA, via sucks hardcore.
If AMD was in a better market position Nvidia would have probably given Intel the finger and left...
However if AMD was in a better market position Intel wouldnt have pulled this stunt.

Suppose there is always VIA, who do have an x86 CPU...
Maybe this is a good argument to buy AMD if you don't support Intel? After all Nvidia does make motherboard chips for AMD. If AMD goes under and we're left with Intel who doesn't like Nvidia and who will fight tooth and nail to keep Nvidia out, so much for competition in both areas. 😛
If Intel doesn't want to comply, then NVIDIA should work with VIA or AMD on this. It's Intel's loss. NVIDIA has a great bargaining chip at hand.
Intel and Microsoft look too high and mighty, setting rules as to how their products can be used or not; stopping progress and evolution, and inventions by their rules.
In the end, if nVidia buys their chips to mod them,is the same thing as if I buy a car and pimp it.

It slowly starts bothering me much, MS' limitations on Vista downgrades to xp, XP's rules, and the rules intel sets on the Atom processor.

Besides, intel didn't show the slightest effort in helping out the mininotebook sector by upgrading it's almost 6 years old GMA950.

I think it's time to start thinking about showing them a lesson...
When they get too high and mighty, I might start buying Via CPU powered computers and Linux (running windows app through wine); or just go over to mac...
[citation][nom]rooket[/nom]AMD owns ATI so I doubt Nvidia would go to them.[/citation]
You forget that AMD/ATI and Nvidia were caught in bed together fixing GPU prices, so I'm sure they'd work something out. If it makes money for both companies they'll do it.
Nvidia obviously holds no ill will towards AMD. I don't think I have ever read a derogatory remark from Nvidia about them and they sure aren't very reserved if they don't like something. I could see them giving something to AMD that they would charge Intel for just out of spite and to aid in degrading Intel market share.
nVidia needs to buy ViA, once they have ViA, they can integrate x86 instructions into thier future GPU's (they will need to get the x64 somehow, to scare Intel). Once they get this, they can make a CP-GPU. I think that this will help drop prices, which is good for everyone 😉.
[citation][nom]foxmulder_ms[/nom]Nvidia and AMD should merge and give a real challenge to INTEL. otherwise, they are too little alone.[/citation]
Yeah, and AMD and Nvidia just happen to have practically cornered the market in discrete and mainstream integrated graphics chips. I'm sure a merger wouldn't look suspicious at all.
... intel is going mad... if they had a GPU solution for ION like platform, that iz better, put it out already?!?! ... intel, with iz almighty power in CPU sector, cannot admit, that they don't have even in integrated format a GPU chip like GF9400... and it fun too... because, the intel atom part is just used for there iz a need of some kind of CPU... and that tha atom iz not the star of ION platform...
... intel is going mad... if they had a GPU solution for ION like platform, that iz better, put it out already?!?! ... intel, with iz almighty power in CPU sector, cannot admit, that they don't have even in integrated format a GPU chip like GF9400... and it fun too... because, the intel atom part is just used for there iz a need of some kind of CPU... and that tha atom iz not the main star of ION platform...
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