It's good enough for most games!
Just not the latest.
I don't think it's fail at all!
I'm really looking forward to this chip, and I bet a lot of other people do too!
I see they integrated the memory controller on the same die as the graphics chip, which means lower latencies for graphic applications. It allows them to have faster VRAM speeds without much additional cost; but it will also mean (since the memory controller is not located on the CPU) that the chip will perform slightly slower on programs.
On the other hand the CPU is fast enough for most programs, (save perhaps video encoding), but it is not for most games.
They did well in focusing the memory controller on the RAM.
Just that detail alone could increase graphics speed by a couple (or more than ten) percent on fps!
Combined with most likely what's going to be a slightly faster graphics GPU than a GMA950, we'll probably look at a decent graphics solution to play DX9 games with resolutions upto 1280x800 fluidly!
Perfect for netbooks and notebooks, servers, and small dekstops!
Those who don't like this, can still equip their pc with a Corei7, and a pair of Radeon 5870's if they like; I mean, it's not like this chip is going to totally replace the current lineup of regular CPU's.