Intel Xeon, Intel I5, or AMD FX 83xx?


Feb 20, 2013
Hello! So I'm building a new computer soon and can't decide which processor to get, even with reading past threads here. I'm going to be building a computer for Video Editing (smaller 3-5 minute AMVs & Machinimas), Gaming (Mainly World of Warcraft, Skyrim, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect [and other relatable RPGs]), and using it for DJ stuff (Virtual DJ with turntables and everything conntected to the desktop) (Like you would with a laptop but instead using the desktop).

The I7 would be too far out of my cpu budget ($200) for a multi threaded cpu. The Intel Xeon E3-1230 V3 (Hyperthreaded quad-core, 3.3 GHz) ($240) I can justify going a bit over for though.

There's the AMD FX-8350 for $30 less, it's 8 cores going at 4.0 GHz. I hear Intel would be better than AMD though.

But boiling down to the final part, Do I even need the hyperthreading at all, and if not, should I just go with the I5 3570K ($200) and OC later when I can save up for a cooler.

I don't care too much about render times, as long as the software runs smoothly, I can just let a video render over night. Would the hyperthreading make a difference while Editing though? I use Sony Vegas for editing and ussually do use a lot of layers / fx.

If I went with the Xeon, would it be fine for gaming? I never really hear of this processor in gaming machines but from what i've read, it looks like the happy middle brother of the I5 and I7 with a price in the middle of the two.

The rest of my build will be a GTX 770, 8 GB (2x4gb) of Gskill Ram with 8 cas and 1600 speed, and a 750 watt corsair psu. I'll be spending about $100 on the mobo in whatever dirrection I go so yeah.
Get the haswell 4670k its intel based so is fast and is the latest platform from intel but most importantly you talked about leaving it on overnight, the haswell chips are extremely power efficient drawing 5w when in sleep good luck and merry Christmas


Pizza Monster
The Xeon e3-1230v3 is basically a Haswell i7 4770 without the igpu and downclocked 100mhz. It would be great for gaming, rendering, editing, and everything else you throw at it. It is the best value of the cpus you mentioned.


Get the haswell 4670k its intel based so is fast and is the latest platform from intel but most importantly you talked about leaving it on overnight, the haswell chips are extremely power efficient drawing 5w when in sleep good luck and merry Christmas