IntelRapidTech+Large HDD or SDD+Large HDD?


Jun 16, 2012
Looking for thoughts on what would be a smarter choice. I'm getting a prebuilt and I'm currently torn between either a 60 or 120 GB ssd set for the intel rapid respone tech thing, or just a normal 120GB SSD(with OS and a few everyday programs). In both cases my primary data drive will be a 2Gb HDD.

I tried to read up on the IRT thing, but I'm not sure how it performs when compared to how most people are doing an SSD lately. Any comments/concerns before I choose one? I've seen nothing but great responses to 'use an ssd with your OS plus a few games' but I can't find much on IRT usage. Any help greatly appreciated :)


Jun 16, 2012
Yea, I read through some of those links. My issue is the linked Intel Response Tech is all tech manuals/user guides and nothing of comparative value. Having talked to a friend it seems that the Intel thing is just an added platform ontop of a normal SSD setup? IE: No reason to not use it if you have it? Or am I mistaken in that regard.
This says it all

Finally, another feature of a Z68 chipset is known as SSD caching which is where it allows the use of a small (say 10 or 20 GB) Solid state hard drive to act as a cache for a larger ‘traditional’ hard disk. If you are already planning the use of a Solid State drive this feature is redundant.

If you can’t afford a decent size SSD (40GB+) then there are more cost effective ways around using a small SSD and SSD cashing like spending less on a motherboard, (H67 chipset or even a P67 chipset) and putting the saved money into a decent size SSD.


Jun 16, 2012

Ah, that explains it very well. With that it seems obvious to not go with a 60Gb OCZ Agility / 2Tb HDD; and go with the 120Gb version and the 2Tb HDD. The only reason(really) I was considering the 60 and setting for the intel thing, is that it's essentially free after a MIR. Whereas I can get the 120Gb for slightly discounted.

Thanks for the info :)