Replacing DirectX? Good luck with that one. At least they have a better chance that OpenGL since all the infighting there has just about halted progress.
in a recent Intel Larrabee slide, Larrabee's rendering architecture was suggested to be a successor to DirectX, possibly replacing the DirectX standard.
cruiseoveride :
Replace DirectX? In Intel's dreams
Really it should be anyones dreams. if you think about it DirectX is the only real thing keeping Operating systems like linux from actualy going anywhere as a platform for the mass's. Open direct x and any os is a gaming os (wish a bit of coding of course) MS would have to rethink how it makes windows and really listen to its customer base when everything under the sun can now do what windows can do. like the good old dos days when everyone had a OS that would do everything. Then maybe linux can be everything it failed to live up to decades ago. hell even mac could find its self gaming. Course they would have to convince someone to make them some hardware that isnt twice out dated.