Interacting with internals of a laptop on an ungrounded metal table - Ok?


Mar 26, 2021
I know that nowadays there is no issue with ESD and building a PC on an ungrounded metal table, but what about a laptop? Is it the same, or can you cause damage from ESD on the internals when you open it up and touch the internals?
While I believe that it's very unlikely to cause any problems, I don't know where you heard that.
You should try your best to have an anti static wrist strap and work on a non conductive static free surface.
Failing that, a cardboard box/surface and touching a plugged in but powered off powersupply every few minutes would be good as well.
I've seen that video as well, and that's why I don't worry about ESD as much as I used to, but just to be safe, why put a motherboard on a metal table?
Even a large piece of paper is good enough.
Just wondering if a laptop is any different than a PC in terms of ESD damage.