Build Advice Interesting features to use 3-pin fan headers with

Dec 2, 2023
I have a PC case that features three 3-pin fan headers where you can configure their speed with a switch on the front of the case.
I've already configured fans throughout it and they're managed automatically with software, so I was curious if there's anything I could repurpose this feature into?

One idea was to use RGB strips connected to them, and have them change color based on the power supplied to them.
But anyway any theorycrafts are welcome! Please give details into how the idea could actually be implemented.
no RGB/aRGB LED devices are going to work using a 3pin fan header.

there have been fans with onboard single color LEDs that were powered through the fan's header, but then you would need to remove the LEDs from these fans and hope they could be transplanted around the system.
probably only 3-4 separate bulbs/diodes in each fan at most so you wouldn't get many lights out of attempting something like this.