internal broken laptop screen

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May 26, 2016
I accidentally fell today and my heel landed on the corner of my laptop. I automatically freaked out when I turned it on and the colours were all wrong with pinstripes down it, I went straight to Geek Squads website assuming I had shattered the screen and needed to replace it. But my laptops battery died while I was chatting with an agent and I realized the surface was completely smooth, no marks. The cracks are literally inside my laptop! What is it? Do I need to replace the screen? Is it something more? Do I need to take it to someone? Or would it cost more to replace something like this than to just get a new one?

When the laptop was dropped there could be many possibility that the motherboard might have been damaged as well. One test you can do to determine if it's just the screen that has been damaged is to connect an external monitor and if it will display normally that means it's just the laptop screen that was damaged.

If I run the test and it shows normal on the screen all I need to do is change the screen out right? I haven't done it yet because well I don't have a computer to do so to, I will look up other ways to check it I guess. But if it doesn't work and the motherboard is broken can I fix that or do I give that to the experts?

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