No, it is not hard to find one that do both processes at the same time. I am a big fan of Apple WiFi cards because they are usually the ones that innovate the newest available technology, but going that route is a little research heavy because they are different socket types than PC and require an extra adapter. The last time I checked nothing new has come out since around 2015, so many companies have been able to use the patents for cheaper components without Apples name attached to it.
I tried this random "
el cheepo" last year and it worked great. No overheating and always gave me around 50mbps.
I know that sounds small when the card says it goes up to 300mbps, but in order to get that, you need to pay for that much to be delivered from your internet provider and also have a tri-band router. I only had a single band router and I was very impressed.
I could be wrong on the latest and greatest tech for wireless not changing since 2015, but I do know this little cheap card will give Asus a run for the money. Yes, Asus is the big name brand for PC enthusiasts, but functionality over bragging rights is what I am about. That in itself is a bragging right. You could always buy an Asus sticker and put it on the ugly white and red sticker if that makes it "cooler."