Internet card not working?

Bwandon Skerritt

Jul 14, 2013
Internet card not working?

I have Windows 7 installed on 1 hard drive and Ubuntu 13.04 installed on another, Ubuntu intergrates perfectly with my Network card (TP-LINK tl-wn781ND) but when i boot into Windows it does not work? I have to use a simple netgear USB wifi adapter to get the internet running but it stalls and cancels all my downloads (annoying since i can't Download Steam on W7 but can on Ubuntu) Any ideas?


Would you be able to put that into Layman terms?
Also on Win7 i did not install the CD Driver because i couldn't find the disc, it has dissapeared( this is what i came up with) however on Ubuntu it works fine without the driver installed. Is this because Ubuntu has its own set of Drivers preinstalled? and if so is there a way of locating the driver and burning it to a disc to use in Win7? simply because its almost impossible to download anything.

On the box it says the make is TP LINK and then gives the Model as TP-LINK tl-wn781ND.

I'll download this on Ubuntu and put it on a flashdrive and transfer it over, thanks 😀 now the only problem i have is finding a flash drive, i used to have 6 in a drawer but they've all gone missing...
Hi, you won't need a pendrive to transfer. Just download the file in a folder of Ubuntu(not desktop). Load up with win 7, go to my computer, you will find all the partitions there, locate and copy the file from there and paste to win 7 folder. Install it. That's it.