Internet connection EXTREMELY SLOW when other PC uses internet. Please Help


Mar 28, 2012
Hi everybody,

So my problem is this:

My internet is pretty slow overall anyway, but it can do most things I need it to without too much of a problem, however this all changes when my brother starts using the internet on his PC.

Now we're both wired into the router. The router is in my room, so I have a short cable from the router to my PC, but my brothers room is above mine, so he runs a long cable from the router, out of my window (the window is still able to shut 😛 ), up the front of the house, in through his window and into his PC.

For some reason I cannot explain, whenever he starts using the internet on his PC, mine becomes unusable. Literally unusable. Even simple text websites take over 5 mins to load, and most of the time, they don't load at all. Same thing happens to my phone, it's connected wirelessly (obviously) to the router, but the internet becomes unusable when my brother is using the internet.

This does not happen when my sister uses the internet on her laptop (that connects using wifi). ONLY when my brother is on his PC.

Again, my internet works as it should when he's not using the internet. I can unplug his cable from the router and suddenly my internet goes back to normal (but obviously leaves him without internet), so clearly his PC is somehow using up all the bandwith, but I cannot explain how. He's mostly just playing online games on Steam. It shouldn't be taking up that much bandwith that the internet becomes unusable for everybody else.

I've tried logging into the router options to see if he's set up some priority thing, but our router doesn't have that option.

It can't be a software issue on my PC, because as I said, it works fine when he's not using it.

So what could be the problem? Any ideas? This is driving me crazy!


Gaming and Steam can be bandwidth hogs, first off, limit the bandwidth usage with steam, so he doesn't kill the connection when downloading games/updates.

Next setup QOS of the router to prioritise traffic type, again limit usage with QOS, your upstream should be set at 90%-95% of actual limits toe snure downstream can always provide 100%.

I know Steam is a massive bandwith hog, but it should be THIS bad. I use Steam a lot myself, and I know when I download something on Steam my internet is slower, but still usable.

Quick thought: if I log into Steam while he's on it and we're both downloading something, should we both have equal bandwith, or does it depend on who logged on/started downloading first? I've tried logging onto Steam while my internet was really bad to see if it would balance out, but it didn't and my download speed on Steam was basically nothing.

Can you explain what QOS is please? I consider myself to be very tech savvy, especially with PC's (software/hardware problems are not an issue for me), but my weakness is networking stuff. I know next to nothing about it and all the abbreviations and acronyms mean nothing to me haha 😛
