Open up a command prompt and type
ipconfig /all
Look at the DHCP lease obtained and DHCP lease expire times. If the DHCP lease is only good for 60-90 minutes, that's probably it. Your Internet may be dropping out while the computer renews the DHCP lease (its dynamically assigned IP address). If the lease obtained time coincides with your last Internet dropout, it's almost definitely the problem. And you can expect the next dropout to happen at the lease expiration time. Normally DHCP leases are 24 hours, but larger organizations like schools frequently shorten it so they can more quickly recycle unused IP addresses (e.g. addresses released by mobile devices which have left the area).
I'm still trying to figure out why, but sometimes Win 10 (and Win 8) seems to take an unusually long time renewing a DHCP lease, which can cause you to lose Internet for a few seconds. I think it's an interaction with something else, because another Win 10 computer right next to the problem one works fine. So sorry, I don't have a solution. But maybe this might help narrow down your search.