Internet Disconnects from Computer when Launching Games/Playing

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Dec 17, 2014
Every game I try to play, it disconnects. Whether it be CS:GO, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, GTA IV, or Arma 3, non-steam or steam. The internet disconnects, however it shows the bars on the right side indicating it's still connected. If I tab out it works for a few. If I close the game it works. Any help?
Have you tried disabling your firewall while playing these games?
If you don't want to risk that, add them to the exception list.
Also, check to see if your network drivers are up to date.
I've had this issue as well after a window update-
I use a wifi adapter (netgear / WNDA3100v3) and deleting the drivers and reinstalling them from the CD worked for me.

Other things that did not work were - updating the drivers, removing firewall.
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