internet randomly goes out, delay in video games?


Aug 23, 2017
so I bought a brand new like $50 wifi adapter thinking my around 4 year old one was the problem, my comp stays in my room so I cant hook up to an ethernet cable. anyways, my internet will randomly out of nowhere go out, kick me out of voice chat in video games (Overwatch), but i'll still be able to play the game? i'll randomly try to load tabs and it'll say I have no internet connection.. okay? also the delay in this game is pretty bad, shooting and animations are really slow to respond, or using abilities and I get rubberbanded. also played another game with my brother and we were both actually getting 1 bar of connection it said ingame. he was hooked up to an ethernet cable when he came home but hes gone now and I thought he was the problem but its still not fixed.
ingame I have 30 ping, around 45 RTT. 2 icons on the side of my screen that indicate packet loss and poor connection to the server ingame.

on speedtest I have 6 ping, 125 down, 45 up. please help

sound like a firewall problem
it can be either the firewall on your computer or on your router/modem

are you running any security programs like norton, NOD32 or something similair?
What kind of modem and / or modem are you using?
Please do 2 tests and link the results:

1. Open a command prompt and type "tracert" .. this is Blizzard servers in LA.
2. Again at the command prompt type "ping x.x.x.x -n 50" where x.x is the first IP address on the tracert (probably or something similar) ... don't link all 50 lines, just the last 4.

it's a Pace modem, got it maybe over a year ago because the internet in my house was balls, model D5001. and I dont use norton anymore.


Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 50, Received = 50, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 55ms, Average = 2ms
55 ms to get to your router and back ... You either have a router that is very busy or WiFi interference. So, how many other people/devices are trying to use the connection? Have you looked if anything else is using your WiFi channel (there are some phone apps for this)? You using 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz? What is your channel width?

don't exactly understand everything you're saying or where to look lol, some numbers i can find.
rate: 115-175 mbps
channel 1: 2412 mhz.

and it says theres 5 other clients on the 2.4ghz one. dont know if theres anything else using my channel. dont know if it matters but that other computer currently isnt being used, everyones asleep, and my problems ingame are still there, still laggy.

First off, I assume you have a smart phone. There a dozen or so "WiFi Analyzer" apps out there. Grab one.

WiFi operates on 2 frequencies, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. 5 GHz has better bandwidth (faster) but does not go through walls as well as 2.4 GHz. At each frequency there are a number of channels. If everyone (you, your neighbor, your dog, etc) is on the same channel there is greater potential for interference. Interference causes latency (garbled messages, retransmits, etc). So, using your WiFi Analyzer, look at channels that are heavily used and those that are not. BTW, your on 2.4 GHz channel 1. That channel is the default for a lot of devices, so it tends to be busy. I use channel 8 on 2.4 GHz. Your router might not do 5 GHz ... there are fewer people that use 5GHz so there tends to be less congestion.

Channel width. By increasing channel width (using multiple channels at once) you can increase bandwidth, but again there is greater chance of interference. At 2.4 GHz, channel width is 20 MHz or 40 MHz.

So, most gamers think they need bandwidth (more Mbps). You really don't. Most games send data back and forth in the 10s-100s of Kbps. What you need is low latency. Your data needs to get to the server and back again with few retransmits and not waiting on busy routers. With everyone else asleep, your router was probably not that busy, so I have to assume the jump in round trip time was due to WiFi interference. Log into your router and see if you can find settings for WiFi channel ... hopefully there is a better one.

yeah im in my config and theres a 5ghz option, idk how to use it though, it says its enabled but idk. im def doing something wrong lol, should I just switch to a different channel on the 2.4ghz?

switched to channel 3, says theres only 1 other client connected, still having the same ingame problems, will 5ghz be my only fix? again says its available but idk how to use it

You can try 5 GHz, but only if your WiFi adapter supports it. In your router configuration, look at the SSID (network name) for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Are they the same? If they are, put a "5" on the end of the 5 GHz SSID and save. Now on your computer, look for WiFi network and see if you see the one with the 5 at the end. Try to connect to it (probably same password as 2.4 Ghz) and see how it works.

shit, I switched it to 5ghz and my ingame problems are completely fixed lol, no delays or lag, still says 50 rtt ms, idk if thats high but i dont have any delay anymore, thank you man


guess I should also add my internet just completely went out on my computer only, my wifi adapter stopped connecting to my comp altogether, i restarted my computer and troubleshooted and it fixed in a matter of seconds but dont know why it happened.


so theres 2 connections, pace and arnold, pace is 2.4 and arnold is 5ghz. I made a separate connection or whatever through my wifi settings for arnold and it was on 5ghz and everything was good, then it switched back to pace randomly and I disconnected.

fast forward to now, connected to arnold again and I have 300 ping ingame, the 5ghz band is the only good one to game on and its a shitty connection?

update: im on pace the 2.4ghz connection, says its 2400 mhz in my settings, internet is great though, think my problem was fixed, thx


Glad it's working. WiFi can be a little flaky and that why most gamers avoid it if possible. A 50 RTT is really good, so enjoy.

just kidding, it's back to shit. i even made another connection to the connection that runs 5ghz and it says its running at 2400 mhz anyways, doesnt matter cause i get 300 ping on that connection lol. maybe ill call my isp and see if they can do anything. idk what to do, thanks for the info i guess

if you have a laptop, try hooking it up straight to the modem/router with a cable and test the speed then
if the speed is good there, you ISP cant do much for you

i know the problem is the 2.4ghz, cause 5ghz was godlike, problem is the 5ghz connection gives me like 200 ping ingame, maybe my ISP can help actually.

i literally just went back to 5ghz on the other connection thats on the same router, changed the channel and it fixed my ping but still had delay ingame, BUT when it was working it was godlike because I had no ingame delay like I do now and it was so good.


2.4ghz (channel 2 2400mhz): 8 ping, 98 down. 40 up.
5ghz (channel 149 5700mhz): 6 ping, 188 down, 41 up.
cant hook up to an ethernet cable, im upstairs.

5ghz numbers are better i guess but im still laggy ingame, animations not responding and stuff. different channel helped my ping and rtt ms but im still laggy, should i just drag my comp downstairs and hook it up to the ethernet cable or what.

with these values you should be able to run a game and stream it at the same time, so i don`t realy get what is causing it.
could it be that you`re on the wrong server?

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