Internet Share Win 98 with Win 2000 ?


Jul 9, 2001
I ussually used the Internet sharing that come with Win 98, but that doesn't work with Win 2000.

Can someone tell me my other options ?

My Win 98 is the one that have the connection.
I want my Win 2000 to share it.

ive never used ics so dont know if its possible to get it to work with 2k- probably not. Easiest option is to use some sort of proxy sofware, theres a few freebies about- but they have some restrictions, icq for example doesnt seem to work with a lot of them, theres microsofts proxy2 but you need to buy that.

Next time you wave - use all your fingers
Hm... if it was the other way around, it'd be a whole lot easier. Create the Networking setup disk, and bang, there you go.

Some proxy software out there is really easy to use. Check out Sygate - I find that that's one of the best.

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I would connect your 2K computer to the Internet and let your win98 computer share the connection on that computer. You need two network card installed on the 2k computer. Go on you 2k computer and do a search for ICS and it will walk you through the process.

😎 <font color=blue> I know nothing that is why i am here at THG!</font color=blue>
Thanks, Yeah I connected my Win 2000 with the modem, and its so much easier to share Internet with Win98. Now, I need to share them with my Linux Box as well, but don't worry.
linux net sharing is dead easy- you didnt say you had linix before! I'd setup the connection on the linux box and use this to route, only a small script needed to forward/allow whatever you want both to and from the 'net. For a bit of background, go to google and search for IPCHAINS HOW TO

Next time you wave - use all your fingers