

Nov 14, 2012
I had interrupt problems on Nov 18/2012 and they came back again today Jan 17/2013. My computer worked fine for 2 months by deleting the PIO Mode 1st primary entry, today the interrupts were as high as 89% of CPU, I deleted the 1st primary and 1st secondary entries and then rebooted, my computer thought I had a new disc drive and installed it for me, I then rebooted again and have interrupts 1.5% or less.

I thought that I was updating an older thread, but instead when I pressed submit, it seems to have started another thread. Sorry, I'm a Nube.
I have Service Pack 3 installed and HP says that all my drivers are uptodate. Are there special motherboard drivers that need separate updating?
Zoom 747. The chipset would be a serial number on the CPU of the motherboard? I get this number and go to the HP website or to the manufacturer of the chip to look for new drivers?