ael00 :
6700k+212 EVO, removed the cooler and CPU to inspect for damage, nothing found. Mounted it again by bottoming out the screws as I did initially.
I dont think you have to worry abbout anything as long as you dont transport your system with cooler mounted. I suppose if you have the kind of cooler that has a mounting screw that doesnt bottom out you have to be careful not to go full neanderthal with the screwdiver.
I really dont see the problem here, it is all overhyped.
I dont think you have to worry abbout anything as long as you dont transport your system with cooler mounted. I suppose if you have the kind of cooler that has a mounting screw that doesnt bottom out you have to be careful not to go full neanderthal with the screwdiver.
I really dont see the problem here, it is all overhyped.
Most problems are over hyped, say like the TLB bug AMD had with the Phenom I that affected maybe 1% of the people using that CPU.
And the funny thing is that transporting a PC with a massive oversized cooler has never been a good idea for any CPU brand. I have seen AMD systems with coolers that the TIM hardened and when shipped the cooler pulled the CPU right out of the socket bending all the pins. Is that AMDs fault? Not really since they only guarantee thier products using their cooler anyways.