I spent hours looking over all the features on Android phones, and I will admit, there are some truly beautiful phones out there. I have been an iPhone user for the last 4 years, in conjunction with my Macbook, and PC tower. I religiously use Chrome, as it's just better, and have no hatred for anything Google. The sad part is, the reason I was looking over so many videos is that I was seriously considering switching to an Android. Seeing people use the OS, it does look great and I do like the larger screens, but I have a couple points, just a couple, that are keeping me in the iPhone Sheep pen, do try and keep in mind I built my own PC and am very much a tech nerd:
#1- The Apps. I have been a user for years, and have built up a decent library of shit I really don't feel like buying all over again. Games and stuff like that, not a big deal, but the bigger ones ( VNC programs, movie editing software, and a ton of other random crap ) are expensive to repurchase.
#2- The build qualities. No matter what Android users wanna spout out, the build quality of the iDevices are just better, it's not rocket science. I have seen some really great ones that seemed to be on a par ( Motorola comes to mind ) but the current phones I really considered being the S3 and One X, just didn't have the feel I want. I thought about buying after market battery covers and / or cases to "change the build", but again, cost. Which leads me to my next point.
#3- The cost of a good Android phone is almost the same as an iPhone. Looking at the devices I considered switching to, it was a wash in the 16GB 2 year deal. One major difference, the RESALE value. I just sold my iPhone 4 on ebay for $330 after using it for 2 years. Chock that up to stupid people if you like, but it's the truth, I sold it for the same price I bought it for.
All in all I really like android, and it's not that I really like iOS more or that I'm used to it, it's just the prohibitive nature of making a switch. Do I wish I could have a removable battery, SD card slot, bigger screen, full customization, google maps, emulators, and ..... oh fuck it I'm getting a stupid Android....