iPhone 5S Could Also Come in Silver/Gray

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iOS "innovating" everything that Android had for the last 2 years or so. LOL

And to wrap it up, Apple gives a couple extra color options and then be able to say "look, we have variety, as well! We are not monotonous and boring anymore"

Polish a t#rd as much as you want, it's still ...that.
What happened to Apple? They seem to have really lost it. A shame, too, because without competition Android will become flat, as well...
Maybe WinPhone will come to the rescue, who knows.
I'll stick with my Nokia 822 and WinPhone 8. I've been working in IT since 1998 and have yet to find any Apple product that wins price/performance in any category. I don't think this will be any different. 128gb storage? Is that the $800 model?


To *quasi validate my next point, recent mobile phones have been an iPhone 3G/iPhone4/HTC Inspire/iPhone4S/iPhone5.

That said, Apple is slipping in it's design and innovation. Apple sued Samsung over "blatant iOS design copying" and bashed competition for Android OS design and handset maker's growing form factor.

Well, months ago the form factor sentiment went hush with the new "larger" (ooohhh, aaahh) iPhone 5...and now we can look forward to iOS7's anti-skeuomorphic overhaul and function rework (quick settings...etc). I was shocked at how many design and functional elements they ripped from Android for iOS7. Hypocrites.

For Toddy to want the iPhone 6...they need to stop focusing on the bullshit (core count/in house mapping/siri) and deliver a truly revolutionary experience: 2x the battery life of leading competition/biometric lock/etc...

No, that would be the $1200 model.

It is large for a phone, but there is a market for that as well. Just 'cause you can't use it doesn't mean nobody can.
You're terribly confused (or completely uneducated) about RAM. Start with the basics of computing and go from there.


Jun 17, 2011
I've never been a huge Apple fan due to the majority of their target consumers. Nice products I suppose but the smugness of the ios/osx sheep is terribly irritating. However I've started to think its not a bad thing to support an American company even if their products are built by Asian misery.

Buying Samsung products actually helps the US economy better, because they are building a fab factory in Texas, thus providing jobs here. Kinda like Toyota, Subaru, Mercedes and other car manufacturers that have more employees here than the big 3 in Detroit.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.... Wake me up when Apple actually creates something innovative again rather than slapping a new hat on an old product.


May 17, 2009
it is the iPhone, It is not like Apple has several different iPhones. They use the last generation for the lower priced option and the newest for the normal priced option. There is no Phone/Tab, or anything like that.

You guys are hilarious, outside of changes to hardware specs and the use of a new version of Android, how different does each Galaxy S1-4 look. At least the iPhone has changed the look of the phone over the last 4 generations.

Both companies make good products but have very different design philosophies. Completely knew industrial designs don't need to be done every year but there are times when the look and feel needs to be refreshed. Apple tends to do this every other year. Samsung has not done it yet. Even the Notes looks like a blown up Galaxy S. They clearly take the "if it ain't broke don't fix is approach."

If you consider stretching the iP4 to create an iP5 a major hardware redesign, that's on you, but looks like everybody tends to disagree. Your own argument (same width, same round button, same volume rocker, etc.) can be equally applied to iPhone.
Even so, if one gets bored with how Samsung phones look and feel, all they have to do is pick one of the other manufacturers that make Android-based phones. OTOH, an iPhone user has only ONE choice, and that choice is minimally different from what he already has.
We are only talking hardware here. On software side, it's even worse. Apple is afraid of losing their vise-grip on their money maker, otherwise if they licensed iOS to other OEM manufacturers one could see wonders being done with it. Just look at the few independent developers that are involved in jailbreaking and can crack the door of the full iOS potential. Imagine what an actual OEM company could do with that.


Dec 28, 2007
they want to sell a 128gb iphone and they claim they dont care about specs, obviously because they cant match the competition..its like i dont want to marry a supermodel cos i dont want to fly paris london on a regular basis..i like apple to launch a new iphone so they start screwing themselves with the iphone again with the battery,antenna,paint,wifi ******anything gate and scrubbit to my isheep buddies


May 17, 2009

Actually, there where some pretty significant changes between the 1, 2, 3 from a design perspective. Not so much between the 4, 5. Google is a software company, they may no hardware. Microsoft is also a software company, they make no hardware. Apple makes their own hardware and their own software.

If you don't like their business model and rather a OS that is OEM'd then great but there are issues with that model as well. Such as no uniformity across hardware platforms making it much more difficult to develop for and the fact that you can't upgrade the vast majority of the devices to the latest version of Android because the manufacturer has not or will not release the update to their model phone. That is bullshit and there is no argument that can make that OK.
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