Is 144hz worth it for lower fps (newest AAA games) gaming?


Feb 21, 2015
Currently I am using a 5 year old Asus VH232 monitor @ 60hz. I am thinking about upgrading my monitor.

My GPU is gtx 970. I always set graphics in games to maxmium (except anti-alising). I noticed that in AC Unity i only get about 40 fps, in COD: Advanced Warfare single player maybe 70- 90 fps.

With newer AAA games I guess it will even more difficult to get higher fps, and I am not willing to lower graphic settings to get higher fps. This means my fps will rarely go above 100fps, maybe even lower.

I suppose 144hz monitor can have fantastic visual improvements for games like LOL, minecraft, which will have massive FPS on high-end PC. But I don't play these games.......

So would a 144hz monitor be pointless for me? Should I just buy a newer 60hz monitor?