Is 50 degrees C too hot while just browsing internet?


Oct 1, 2016
My computer recently overheated and crashed. It wouldn't turn on until I had a friend look at it. Now it turns on, but even when I'm just browsing the internet I've seen it jump to 52C max. Is this too hot? Is my hardware on it's last leg? I don't remember my cpu running this hot before. Also, really the only thing I see I should clean immediately is the intake vent on my PSU, the rest is fairly clean and shouldn't be causing over heating.


GPU - GTX 1060

CPU- AMD Phenom ii X6 1055t

MOBO- Asus M4A89GTD Pro USB 3.0


PSU - EVGA 750w

No thats very good for the cpu, what you want to be weary of is it pushing past 60c.

It says 56C. Also I'm not sure about the cooler, it should be 3rd party because the guy I bought my MB/CPU from builds pcs constantly so I don't think he would put a stock cooler in any of his rigs.

I use to own that hexacore it'll drop down low with the right cooler and thermal paste as I mentioned.
The only deal with that if he overclocks with that hexa-core the thermal paste won't last for too long 3- 6 months at best
Back in August 2010 I got it down 32c on idle max load would be 41c-45c, I was gaming and F@H.
Then in January 2011 from April 2011 when I damaged it by accident low temps 38 on idle max load about 48c-59c at best.
I was clocked in at 3.9ghz at the time, gotta be the best thing amd has done with AM3 quadcores and the hexacore line ups.

It says 24C-26C. Not sure what this means though. Is it the temperature that the cpu needs to raise by before it gets damaged?


No thats very good for the cpu, what you want to be weary of is it pushing past 60c.