Is 8gb to little for a power user


Aug 1, 2012
Lately chrome been using all of my ram and other apps/games been using quite a bit too but not as much as chrome.... like right now im using 5.4gb and only 9 tabs open with utorrent and file explorer open, but if i close all of the chrome tabs it'll go down to 2.5gb, But i know i have quite a bit programs in the back ground but chrome takes the most. And it didn't always be like that, i use to have 20-30 tabs open at once and be under 4gb, but lately its change. Is 8gb too little for a power user, i know games starting to require 16gb at 4k, is chrome just naturally using more ram too.


I run 32GB and am already looking forward to when I upgrade platforms so I can run 64GB (OC'd...I could run that now if I was willing to drop my ram speeds to 2133mhz from 2400mhz). So yeah if you are a true power user there should never be enough ram in your system.
I'm sure chrome has some memory leaks , once you go past 4 tabs its memory usage is excessive in my system too.

I use Firefox 99% of the time now , it does not seem to have the same problem

Edge is very light on men usage but I just don't like it at all.


Jun 27, 2017
when chrome reaches the limit of RAM allowed by windows management, it will then start paging like other browsers (putting its files on your drive and not in your ram). so you will see chrome using lots of RAM as you open tabs, then after a certain point the useage drops (as you got to have some ram free for the system) as it starts paging it.

most likely.


Aug 1, 2012
yea, it was just some regular tabs, no videos, dozen or so pics lots of text. but either way it looks like i need to buy 8Gb or 16gb stick, it seems to be inevitable, lucky me im able to have up to 64gb in my laptop, i was waiting till i find a deal on 16gb ddr4 stick though. I remember when 4gb didn't top out doing excessive browsing with a couple short youtube tabs open in 360p.


Aug 1, 2012
yea i would switch to the new firefox, cause it barely use any ram compared to other browsers. but chrome have all my passwords to sites i don't even remember using, let alone the gmail integration and i know my way around pretty well. I'll probably try it when it gets out of beta stage though.