Is a New Baldur's Gate On The Way? Maybe.

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Jan 5, 2009
Back in the day I played this game extensively. I would love to see a port to tablet but there would be a lot of kinks to work out. FF7 port to a tablet would be cool as well.


Jan 26, 2008
I wish I'd played it back in the day because when I tried to play it last year I just couldn't get into it. Maybe if I hadn't played newer DnD games before (like NWN2)... I really hope they give your party members a good AI, to avoid micromanagement.


Jan 5, 2009
I do like NWN2 but the storyline isn't as compelling as BG. They say what is old is new again but time will tell on that. If/when they do rerelease it I hope it has the new 5.0 rules that are in development.


lets just hope there is no pay to gay system in this game. D3 is B$, it aint even worth playing multplayer anymkore. RPG games NEEDS to take ages to finish. not come after work, buy the best items, and beat everybody thats been farming and grinding the whole day...


Aug 26, 2010
I tried the first Baldurs Gate, and really cannot see what all the hype is about, or why the original games had much success. It had a very turn-based feel to it, where you are forced to pause the game to set up combos, then unpause for a few moments to watch them unfold, then re-pause to issue more commands. 90% of the time was spent paused. Really? Is that what some people consider fun?

Compare that to Diablo. 100% action, no pausing.

Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 get it halfway right, they don't need to be paused, but like Baldurs Gate, you also have a party to control instead of a single character. Nothing wrong with multiple characters in a RTS, but in an RPG it can be a bit much. Far better to have summons that you don't have to control directly, and that are (usually) expendable.


Mar 10, 2010
[citation][nom]Pherule[/nom]I tried the first Baldurs Gate, and really cannot see what all the hype is about, or why the original games had much success. It had a very turn-based feel to it, where you are forced to pause the game to set up combos, then unpause for a few moments to watch them unfold, then re-pause to issue more commands. 90% of the time was spent paused. Really? Is that what some people consider fun?[/citation]
There's already more than enough RTS games to go around. Turn-based has its niche too. I'd like D&D games to remain that way. Sequels that drift too far from the original style are hardly sequels, but simply a different game that happens to share a similar name. Personally, I'd like to see another solo turn-based like NWN1. I don't need innovative changes to the play style, small changes are okay and welcome though. A new but equally rich story storyline and a graphics update is good enough for me.

If you like Diablo style play, then stick to Diablo. And I don't really want to see Bauldur's Gate: Dragon KoToR Effect either.


Jan 5, 2009
[citation][nom]sdfghk34[/nom]lets just hope there is no pay to gay system in this game. D3 is B$, it aint even worth playing multplayer anymkore. RPG games NEEDS to take ages to finish. not come after work, buy the best items, and beat everybody thats been farming and grinding the whole day...[/citation]
Although I agree with you on many counts in your post there is definitely a gray area in between that is good for business and still fun to play.


Oct 23, 2009
Pherule you must have never played the old PnP version of Dungeons and Dragons. You had to wait for everyone else to say what they were going to do then wait on the DM. Baldur's gate plays very similar to that. I rather enjoyed the play style of the BG and IWD series. You did not have to pause every time you wanted to do something, you could if you wanted to, there were times when I did and at some points in the game it actually worked to your advantage being able to pause and regroup. Sure the AI wasnt very sophisticated but that could be said of most games released at that time. Diablo was a mouse killer, I spent many nights just going click, click, click, click, click in Diablo and D2, and doing pretty much the same thing in BG/IWD. The main difference between BG and Diablo was that the BG/IWD series had back stories to the characters you controlled, Diablo...not so much, DS 1&2, they had a story to the characters as well. Then there's the depth of the game itself, anything based on Dungeons and Dragons is going to have so much more to it than almost any other game, with the exception of ancient myths and books like LOTR. DnD goes back to the early/mid 70's and the late Gary Gygax. There is more lore in these 2 series than Diablo, Warcraft and Dungeon Siege combined. The style of game wasn't for everyone, I had friends that loved and hated the game. But being able to import your toon from BG1/TOSC into BG2 was great! Cant remember how that worked with IWD though... .

Personally I would love to see Baldurs gate done with more of a Oblivion/Skyrim style to it, or even AI squad based style play similar to that in STO and other new MMO's. If your gonna revamp the series why not go all out and make it a game worthy of the BG/DnD/Forgotten Realms name. I miss playing in Faerûn and the world of Abeir-Toril.

But for those who like the game check this out: Dungeons & Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection Includes Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 + Expansion, Icewind Dale 1 & 2 + Expansions, Planescape: Torment, and The Temple of Elemental Evil (ToEE was ok). $20 for that isnt bad imo. Was updated to work with WinXP/Vista/7 for those interested.


Aug 26, 2010
[citation][nom]mortsmi7[/nom]There's already more than enough RTS games to go around.[/citation]
I know, I didn't mean to say they should make it an RTS. I get that some people like the turn-based genre, but I found the storyline of Baldurs Gate really engaging, and the pause-based battles really slowed things down, to the point where I got too frustrated to continue playing; the story progressed too slowly as a result of all the pausing.

If they do release a new sequel, I hope they can speed things up a bit. Include pausing elements for those who enjoy it, but remove some micro for those who prefer to speed things up, at some penalty (perhaps reduced effectiveness because of less micro)


Jul 30, 2009
Some great news.

While some never got to play the series years back, I have yet to play a rpg that got me sucked in as much as Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn.

I mean come on.... Who wouldn't love a bulky Ranger named Minsc and his pet hamster Boo

Good times
I never got to play Baldur's Gate, but as a former avid [A]D&D player (never mind Gygax, attempting to rule from his cardboard throne of high reason; please don't forget Dave Arneson), I enjoyed DS1 and DSLOA (although they were too linear), and still play Diablo II.
Oh, why did you guys have to go and get my hopes up? I was already imagining something like "Bethesda teams up with Bioware for Baldur's Gate 3". And now all we'll get is a port for an apple trinket... That was unfair.


Jan 25, 2011
I recently re-purchased all of the old Interplay/Black Isle isometrics from GOG during a weekend promo (and most of them I still have on CDs (legit and othewise :D)). I have been avoiding actually downloading them for a couple of months because I know that once I start on them I turn into an uber basement zombie a la the South Park WOW episode.

Hmmm.... I wonder how difficult it would be to get them running inside a VM for maximum office obfuscation?

Seriously though... Planetscape?!? Seriously?!?


May 17, 2009
[citation][nom]mortsmi7[/nom]There's already more than enough RTS games to go around. Turn-based has its niche too. I'd like D&D games to remain that way. Sequels that drift too far from the original style are hardly sequels, but simply a different game that happens to share a similar name. Personally, I'd like to see another solo turn-based like NWN1. I don't need innovative changes to the play style, small changes are okay and welcome though. A new but equally rich story storyline and a graphics update is good enough for me.If you like Diablo style play, then stick to Diablo. And I don't really want to see Bauldur's Gate: Dragon KoToR Effect either.[/citation]

RTS is Real Time Strategy and yes there are plenty of those but no there are not enough really good Action RPG's. I had a hard time getting into Baldurs Gate as well although I recognize it as a solid game. Just wasn't my tastes. Had more fun with Diablo and Planscape Torment then Baldures Gate.


Jan 13, 2010
Please do another Planescape (not PlaneTscape). I never could connect with Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and NwN titles, they're too generic and not true --role--playing.


My girlfriend and I played Baldur's Gate I and II on the PS2 for hours, with different characters, on every difficulty, and fell in love with each other over it. I know, sappy, but true, love comes in all types, and now we are married for eight years. A new Baldur's Gate to me means... love.


Nov 27, 2008
As much as I loved BG series, I don't really care about a new BG game. I am pretty sure it will be a dumbed down version compared to the original aimed to please console kids.

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