Is AMD Hardware Good For Future

abdulhadi Khan

Dec 21, 2013
Hi GuyS !
Another Q:- of me !! i have read here that AMD hardware is good for upcoming games cause
AMD Hardware is used in ps4 & Xbox 1 = next gen consoles so the games will give much advantage on amd hardware especialy for amd fx 8350 cause ps4 and xbox 1 have 8 cores so the upcoming games will use much cores is this true ???
i have reas this here :-
IMO I would actually stick to Intel, AMD has made some good processors but thats just it, Nothing that Intel cant compete with or over run.
0\A lot of upcoming games will have the Mantle API, which is worth investing in. Not a lot of games have it at this point but it will get more famous. It can add up to a 45% increase in performance, so it is pretty useful.