Is Building A Customised PC Easy for First-PC Builder?


Jun 18, 2015
Hello people!

I have a question as to whether building a customised PC doable.

I have no experience in building a PC, all I have done is watching few youtube guides...

Everyone says it is quite easy to build a PC, but I am just a little bit worried because each component like GPU and CPU are really really expensive...

Also, I see lots of people who do very neat cable management. How do they do that? Is that hard to learn?

Your help is appreciated!!


Just go for it Tom :) with the amount of tutorials you can find online you will manage I am sure. A couple of beginners tips:

Decide at the start if you are going to go AMD or Intel, most PC parts will work with each other but the motherboard has to be either an Intel or AMD motherboard to fit the respective CPU.

Don't cheap out on a PSU, it might be tempting to do this to save a few quid but cheap PSU's are more trouble than they're worth.

Once you know which motherboard you are going to get, go to the manufacturers website to download the manual, this will tell you where to plug all the fiddly little wires from the case in. Also remember to install motherboard drivers from the website once you have installed an OS.

Regarding the...
Just go for it Tom :) with the amount of tutorials you can find online you will manage I am sure. A couple of beginners tips:

Decide at the start if you are going to go AMD or Intel, most PC parts will work with each other but the motherboard has to be either an Intel or AMD motherboard to fit the respective CPU.

Don't cheap out on a PSU, it might be tempting to do this to save a few quid but cheap PSU's are more trouble than they're worth.

Once you know which motherboard you are going to get, go to the manufacturers website to download the manual, this will tell you where to plug all the fiddly little wires from the case in. Also remember to install motherboard drivers from the website once you have installed an OS.

Regarding the cables, just use small cable ties, it really is as simple as bunching together all the cables at the end and putting a tie round them, apart from looking good, this keeps the whole system cooler (better ventilation).

And above all, have fun with it! For the most part its a bit like meccano or lego :)
When you have all the parts together in front of you it's pretty much a building block concept because you can't put something wrong. Everything has exactly one spot to go to. Doesnt fit? Wrong slot. Fits in two slots? Both are correct.
If you still arent sure you can just look stuff up in the forum.
Have fun building!
And most importantly RTFM(Read the f**** manual)! There is no universal guide to motherboards, all the ram configurations are different on every single damn motherboard. So it makes for essential reading every time.

As for cable management, it will depend greatly on the case and PSU. In most cases more expensive cases and PSU have more space and smarter design as well as longer cables. Otherwise you might need cable extensions, which are fairly cheap + can be had in different colors if you want a specific theme (in my case I went braided red).

Essential readings:
•How to choose powersupply:
•Stock cooler installation (yes people make mistakes here):
•Guide to building your computer:
•lastley if you put everything together and nothing works:

Thanks for your advise ! : ) Much appreciated!!

Thanks mate! Much appreciated

Thanks for the helpful advise, I hoped if I could choose multiple best solutions, but well... Those links are super helpful! thanks mate.